Hi Folks
I'm hoping you can help me out. We're shooting a new series of Augmented Reality videos for a Nurses Training program and are looking for actors from roughly 10 AM - 6 PM onTuesday, Sep 22.
Specifically, we are looking for a mother, around 30 years old, for a scenario involving domestic abuse, and a 7-9 year old kid, preferably male, for a scenario where he or she is brought into the ER with abdominal injuries from a vehicle accident. Rest assured the only people who will see this are nurses in the nursing program. They don't have to be from the same family.
The scenarios are basically a short series of scenes of each person talking to a nurse from the nurses perspective. Each "scene" will be about :30 - :45 long, or even shorter. There will be a teleprompter so lines do NOT have to be memorized. The whole shoot shouldn't take much more than 3-4 hours for the mother, 2-3 hours for the child...shot at separate times.
We realize this is difficult during the school year, so we plan on shooting the child scenes after school, but may need to go until 6 PM or so. We'll have food and juice available.
There will be some moulage makeup applied for simulating bruises etc.
Please forward this to anyone you know that might like to take part. Acting experience preferred but dramatic people are encouraged. It IS a paid gig.
See below for more information. I can forward more details and the script to anyone who is interested.
Actors: Child (male, 7, plain clothes); Mother/Patient (30s, plain clothes) Location(s): Hospital Room, ER Photo Stills: Child bare abdomen (with moulage bruising); child abdomen with dressing; child forearm with IV Moulage: Bruising on arm, laceration on head of female patient; bruising on Props/Extras: Stuffed animal, patient gowns (child and adult); abdomen dressing, IV for child Special Notes: